When I went to the audiologist, right here in Florida, USA . . .

He checked my earways, which I assured him to be free of wax.

Fred Ermlich
3 min readFeb 9, 2020

And he observed, “You have wax in your ears.” So, I said, “Whaat?”

Used Hearing Aid. Head thrown in for free. . . . Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

So in the end, he prescribed a hearing aid, at a cost of $4,000. And I told him, “Uh, Doc. After rent and food, I have … zero dollars at hand for medical devices.” And so he got me into a program, where for $600, I could get a used hearing aid. (Yuck!) But I said, “um, I’m equally deaf in both ears.” To which he responded, “Oh, we don’t usually treat both ears.” Well, that was a relief (Not!) Apparently he was deaf when it came to my assertions.

What? Ya thought I exaggerated about clawing? Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

You have to realize, aside from a moronic medic, the root problem is the FDA, named for the Food & Drug Act of 1902 or whenever. They were hand in pocket with big Pharma, back when Big was first invented. You know, big Oil, big Coal, big Federal Gov’t, big Wars with big $$ from our increasingly capacious pockets. Etc. We obviously had increasing ability to carry debt! Even as our fingernails clawed holes into these capacious pockets! (Sorry, I tend to rant. Why?)

I’d put in a photo of big oil, but where? Besides, it looks all pretty at night, all lit up by Fossil Fuels!

Where did I leave off? Oh well.

Is there a point here? Well, there may be — give me a minute to think of one.

Well, hell. When in doubt, I talk about me. Or Donald Trump. Or Ted Turner. Or his sweet wife, Jane Fonda. I almost shared Vietnam with her, but my high draft number saved me.

Well, when in double doubt, I mention Greta Thunberg. She’s one person that doesn’t piss me off. Also, I have a lot of respect for her 19 year old “elders.” Because, when you consider it, they’ve done nothing wrong, and having inherited our disasters, are doing exactly the right things. Making noise, seeking justice. And being treated poorly in general, sad to say. Yes, and the real heroes are our heavily-armed police forces, keeping the peace or else killing us. Their choice, clearly.

White Knight Talks Backwards (Twirl record backwards with forefinger) Oh, kill the power first, duh. — Wikimedia Commons (probably)

Well, hell. If I had a point, hopefully it’s made. Time to hit Publish, because the white knight is talking backwards!

Tell ’em a hookah smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call…

Remember what the Dormouse said: Feed your Head (Quickly, hit Publish, Fred! Now!)



Fred Ermlich

Living in rural Panamá — non-extractive, non-capitalistic. Expat USA. Scientist, writer, researcher, teacher. STEM mentor +languages. Gargoylplex@protonmail.com