It’s Been Twenty Years Since 9–11–2001, and I Stand By the Comments I Made That Day

We lived on the west coast. My wife had the TV on — I stayed clear of it as always. So I was across the house from the TV, but in line of sight and hearing of it, and suddenly bang bang bang bang… I glanced and saw and heard a controlled demolition of the building. What the . . .

Fred Ermlich
6 min readDec 26, 2021
CC BY-SA 2.0,

About three weeks prior to 9–11 I took my family up to a rooftop in downtown Portland at 3am. I had a key to the building and it was only half-a-block away from a 10-story building scheduled for controlled demolition at 6am.

Little did that contractor know that Portlanders would flock to the scene. We love our cheap thrills in Portland.

The contractor’s concern was that the framing of the building wasn’t steel: it was cast iron. Cast iron makes for good cannon balls when you blow it up with plastic explosives. So there were delays while the cops corralled the crazy cats — I mean — people.

When the building blew one chunk of cast iron broke one window. The window happened to be the small office taken by the demo contractor. I think the iron went right through a sheet of plywood.

The bang bang bang bang is actually a series of sonic booms. Plastic explosives explode so fast that the air can’t get out of the way and it just gets shredded and goes supersonic. It’s the signature sound of controlled demolition, and I heard it over the TV speaker on 9–11.

I said to my wife, why in the world did they blow that building?

She didn’t know, but she trusted my reading of what had happened. I remember explaining to her about two different space shuttle disasters. Same idea — after a glance at a TV I said, “Looks like maybe a chunk of ice struck the leading wing edge at the fuselage when the shuttle took off in Florida. Lacking intact tiles the heat of air friction melted the shuttle wing structure and that was the end.

This applied to the one that crashed on re-entry over Texas and the one with the schoolteacher that exploded during launch. Lame-ass design by incompetent engineers. They should have used fresh potatoes instead of ceramic tiles on the shuttles. (Engineer humor.)

So 20 years later… finally I’m not the only person who knows the truth. The truth is that Giuliani and his ilk, who had long wanted to drop those buildings into their own basements, finally made it happen in collusion with the U.S. government. That’s the bare, for-real truth.

When helpless citizens say, “They should do something,” they’re referring to the government. We the people are asking the exact wrong people to fix the climate or whatever — asking the people who caused global warming to happen, who allowed 911 to happen. Made it happen, really.

They tax you and take your money and don’t provide medical care in your old age. They hold no love for you. They really collectively need a bullet in the head, but American citizens don’t have the courage to think that way.

Okay, I’m an American citizen, but I don’t live in America any more and won’t return except maybe I would go back for a revolution.
Read the Declaration of Independence and Constitution if you can spare 25 minutes. You’ll learn that it’s really your duty to overthrow the government — hoist them from their own petards.

You’re not going to revolt, right? If you were, you’d have put down your phone that’s playing TikTok and you’d have girded your loins. . . . and you… have no idea what I’m talking about, right?

Well anyway, the hardest thing to explain is me. I mean, sure, I’m a sharp scientist and a fair engineer. But I’m also a contractor, as in, construction. I’ve lifted, moved, remodeled, built, and demolished buildings of various types. Meanwhile I read. I read anything that’s black letters or symbols on a white background written whenever. I learn a lot that way.

I write too. I write for up to 12 hours a day, though writing involves some reading as I write. In fact, I read so much just now that I’m putting links at the end of this essay rather than try to paraphrase what these varied authors had to say.

I’ve done demolition, though never with explosives. I subcontract explosive demolitions. But yes, I’m a physicist and engineer and a fair expert in controlled demolitions of various types.

I just think that my readers should be given access to the documents that perhaps inspired what I’m writing. I’ve included articles that support or at least ask questions about the government’s “Official Government Version (OGV) of what happened on that fateful day.”

I’d say that all in all what I’ve read shows huge shifts in what people believe. Trust in the government is at a low point right now. No shock there, right?

The worst thing the government ever did was create “the war on terror.” Think about how moronic that title is. It should be “the war of terror.” It led to massive slaughter of dark-skinned people who largely lived in non-Christian countries. It was a series of bloodbaths, killing millions of civilians and their families.

9–11 happened in 2001. The war on terror kicked off instantaneously.

There was a ton of data that explained 9–11 and the war on terror. Those data were stored in Building 7. Meaning they were forever lost. Destroyed. You need only see the film or video to understand what was done.

Here come the articles. If it all seems a confusing mess, well, it is. But each article brings some partial enlightenment and raises questions that can maybe now be asked and at times, answered:

I don’t watch TV so I don’t know who Spike Lee is, but I know that he’s known. You decide.

This article accepts the conclusion of the government’s investigations, even while admitting to some shoddy analysis that was done:

This is a fairly calm and also enlightening article — worth reading:

Finally, this story that is so horrible they put all the data in Building 7 and blew it up — it’s all about the fat cats:

Well readers, I and the attached authors have made our collective cases.
If you’re old enough to remember the beginning of this mess you’ll sense the changes in attitudes finally, after all this time.
Happy reading.
… Fred Ermlich, 12–26–2021. (My 69th birthday is in a month.)



Fred Ermlich

Living in rural Panamá — non-extractive, non-capitalistic. Expat USA. Scientist, writer, researcher, teacher. STEM mentor +languages.