I’ve never tried using a URL for a title! But I’ve been writing serious stuff and wanted to lighten up… Course the speed of light is kind of important, and we have a number we use, but yeah, it actually is physically, scientifically impossible to measure. Betcha didn’t know that!

Fred Ermlich


Photo by Vinicius Malta from Pexels

That relativity stuff can make your head spin. We know the speed of light, and use that fact all the time (radio waves for GPS are a ‘color’ of light and travel at the same speed as any kind of light). But I’ve been thinking lately about things we know and don’t know — for a couple of serious articles I’m wrapping up.

I’ve almost finished a 3,000-word article on the collapse of the United States. America is in a weird quantum space right now, just like the speed of light, I guess. I have the same weird feeling, anyway. Because I think, based on the assertions of some very respectable sources, that the American Empire, meaning the United States itself, is doomed. And not some vague day in the future either — it shapes up to be sometime during the year 2025.

Will it really happen? I don’t think that’s knowable. Let me try another search:

Well, the answer is vague, ask again later.

Anyway, there are a bunch of sub-collapses involved, so we really don’t know what to predict. There’s social collapse, government or political collapse, economic collapse, environmental collapse, well, crap — I’m gonna collapse just thinking about it.

A bunch of complex systems themselves forming a complex system, in the formal mathematical and scientific sense — now that’s an unknowable situation. Or I mean, any conclusion is impossible.

Though statistically the chances of it all settling out where it’s like, “Oops, sorry for the scare — everything seems to be turning out just fine . . . ” that seems farfetched. Although that is the exact magical thinking most Americans seem to be using.

But seriously folks, I can be a bit aloof, because I’ve gotten old and don’t fear whatever’s going to happen, if I’m still here, and quite definitely won’t be fearing anything at all if I’m not.

Here are two good articles that explain why you might want to get your head screwed on straight — I mean to face the possibility of dying, actually.

This one’s 4 years old, which isn’t really that old, and I wanted to put at least one Medium article here (there are some other great ones — and there’s Umair Haque with the greatest articles of all, IMHO):




Fred Ermlich

Living in rural Panamá — non-extractive, non-capitalistic. Expat USA. Scientist, writer, researcher, teacher. STEM mentor +languages.