Fred Ermlich
2 min readJun 20, 2020


Conspiracy by the Chinese and British — Illegal Drugs!

I’m getting bored writing about conspiracies by Fat Cats and Republicans and Industrial Entities. This is a great alternative! Anybody knows that those drugs are illegal. They should have been incarcerated long ago. Maybe when they liberate all those Black and Latino people they’ll use the ample space for worthy drugs.

Now, about them drugs . . .

This is shocking! Worldometers has done us two great favors — I wish people would get their heads out of their . . . uh, stupid smartphones . . . and look at some of these statistics. These statistics do not fit on a tiny stupid screen meant for bad photos, bad phone calls, bad twitter posts, decreased brain cells, and I don’t know: Evil Dictators? Am I allowed to say that?

Two things have really really been bugging me. One is the absolute volume of drugs being purchased, many via the internet. If we need these drugs — and obviously the people are voting with their feet — then we need them, for obvious reasons. Pain comes to mind. Diabetes too.

For all this money spent, how are poor people worldwide getting their necessary meds? Best guess, but not a guess: they aren’t. How rare — the poor people have to die in pain and misery.

Which brings up the other point made clearly by worldometers, if you pay attention. What is killing people worldwide? What has killed more than 5 million people so far this year? Starvation. It’s too bad we can’t produce enough food . . . oh, we could? We do? Then why are all the gov’ts talking about coronavirus and illegal drugs and stuff. Oh. Well crap. Distraction? Must be.

I really get disgusted. If we’re going to continue illegalizing and seizing drugs, why not at least send them to the starving people? What an elegant solution. They should consider it. Who’d have thought the British or the Chinese could be so cruel and not see this!

Our actual biggest problem is obscene overpopulation. But there’s a roaring silence on that subject. But overpopulated or not, there seems to be the persistent problem of cruel, powerful, manipulative people and entities who maybe don’t kill us directly, but work very hard to keep us in abject misery. Who could be so cruel? Well, today I vote for:

The Evil Chinese and the Evil British



Fred Ermlich

Living in rural Panamá — non-extractive, non-capitalistic. Expat USA. Scientist, writer, researcher, teacher. STEM mentor +languages.